Aaron's Notes

Aaron's personal notes

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Overnight Oatmeal

This ia a really easy, yet filling and satisfying breakfast. You set it up in the slow-cooker the night before, and then serve first thing in the morning. Incredibly rich, nutty, and flavorful. I really love steel cut oats; the texture is far superior to rolled oats for oatmeal.

The 6 hours on the warm setting is crucial; the oats aren’t fully cooked or hydrated.


  • 1/2 cup steel-cut oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 cups water
  • (optional) 1 baking apple, ripe pear, ripe peach, etc. diced


  • slow-cooker
  • wire rack that fits in slow-cooker
  • glass baking dish (e.g., Pyrex or similar) that fits in slow cooker


  1. Add wire rack and 1/2” water to slow cooker.
  2. Combine all ingredients into glass baking dish, and place on wire rack in slow cooker.
  3. Cover, and set slow-cooker to low heat for 6 hours, and use the “keep warm” setting for at least 2 hours after that.
  4. Stir resulting porridge. Optionally add cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, etc. to taste.
